Get Involved

Millions of people are suffering from mental health concerns around the globe. Nearly 792 million people lived with a mental health disorder on a global level. In such circumstances, the WMHA has vowed to spread mental health awareness and offer support to all those who come to our aid. Together we wish to make the world of psychology a better place. Get access to our exclusive mental health awareness seminars and events, listen to our podcasts, or participate in our webinars. Join us on our quest to make this world a better place to live in.

Participate in an Event

Explore our wide range of digital programs offered exclusively conducted by WMHA. Join us on our mental health sessions and interviews, webinars, podcasts, and many more!

Attend Online Seminars

Learn about WMHA’s online seminars, read summaries of our past events, and register for upcoming seminars here.

Become a Member

Do you wish to participate in our quest to make the world of psychology a better place?

Become an Affiliate

WMHA affiliation helps to enhance other organization’s credibility also in terms of overall efficiency.

Become a Fundraiser

Start fundraising today!

Partner with Us

WMHA works with organizations, governments, international advocacy agencies, charitable foundations, and individuals, to grow and sustain an efficient network to foster a positive impact on the psychological state of the organizations on a worldwide scale.